Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Filbert Comes to the Office

My days at the office are full as we ready ourselves for the "invasion" of the Wycliffe USA Board for their February meetings. I LOVE when the Board is here!!

Last night I had my regular Monday night Bible Study Fellowship downtown -- I am so blessed by the insight God has given to our teaching leader. Who would have thought that I could love studying Leviticus this much?

...and Dorothea arrived from Portland while I was at BSF. She is in town for other meetings and I'm so glad she's staying here or I'd hardly see her at all.


Tonight we are going out to supper with Wycliffe Associate friends who I met in Panama over a year ago and we've been saying for all this time "we should go out to dinner some time" -- we finally found a date that works. :)

So...when I say that life is a little busy, I'm not in any way complaining. I love this kind of busyness.

And thankfully, Filbert likes to come to the office some days to help. He likes to say that "two mice on the desk are better than one in the potted plants." Yeah, I'm not sure what that means either.

He needs his naps every day (don't we all) and has found a perfect spot for catching 40 when he's with me at work. He is a clever guy, I'll say that.

1 comment:

  1. I giggled out loud. Just what I needed, thanks. Happy Nappy, Filbert!
