Saturday, August 04, 2007

07MA: Day 1 - Lake Winnipesaukee

After my plane landed (thanks to Medallion status with Delta I enjoyed a first class seat on my non-stop to Logan International Airport which is one of my new favorite places to land -- beautiful view), Bill and Terri took me to their home in Lexington where we had a quick lunch before heading to New Hampshire. ( more state added to my "been there" list!!)

We got to their boat and did all the things you have to do to prepare a boat to launch (I watched) and headed out onto Lake Winnipewsaukee. GORGEOUS! Weather was perfect. They said it was a little choppy, but I loved it.

We motored up to the town of Meridith where we docked and eventually disembarked for supper, a stroll around the town, and an ice cream cone before re-boarding and heading back to the dock where they keep the boat.

By the time we were loading into the car for the drive home, it was dark. Ahhhhhhh!

Bill is a very good captain, if you wondered. And no, we did not see the President of France -- though he was on this same lake at this time.

The water.
The mountains.
The sky.
Perfect way to start a vacation.

[Yes, I am posting these according to the dates they happened and not the dates when I'm finally blogging. It makes more sense to me this way.]

1 comment:

  1. What about Bob? Did you see him or Gill?
