Tuesday, January 15, 2008


One of these days in the near future I'm going to visit a local Apple Store to do some research. Really. I'm not kidding.

I'm calling this OPERATION: iphone. It is a covert operation.

Well, not really "covert" exactly.

A guy I met recently (who serves with Faith Comes By Hearing) has one and he uses it really well as a ministry tool. That has inspired a few of us to consider how things like this technology can be used on behalf of the Bible translation cause... and what we would have to do to make it viable. Would they be practical or appropriate for everyone? No. Or at least not yet. But I think they might have a role. That is the question we are going to try to ask and answer together.

I'm going to invite Troy (the guy from FCBH), a Wycliffe MK who uses one of these already and who is also a brilliantly creative techy-marketing guy, and a couple others to become the OPERATION: iphone UG (user group). We'll see what happens from there.

Does this mean I'll soon be an iphone user myself? Unless I discover something in my early research to make that a really bad idea, yes.

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